Farewell Letter from 2024 President Ifeoluwa Popoola

Ifeoluwa Popoola portrait

Dear MBAWNY members,

My time serving you as president of this prestigious organization is now coming to an end, but I am heartened that the memories we made together in 2024 will last a lifetime. 

My tremendous gratitude goes to every 2024 board member who poured out their heart in altruism to make the year the success that it was. Thank you for all of your dedication, commitment, selflessness and tireless contributions. Without you, the 2024 functions and goals of this association would not have been fulfilled with such excellence as we celebrate today. Also, I owe a huge thank you to members of all the committees that have been active in the year 2024. It has been a blessing to know that the association can count on your hard work to execute business and events.

Goals for 2024: Fulfilled

As president for the year 2024, my goal was to focus on expanding the association’s reach in the areas of representation, identity, diversity, mentorship and professionalism. This is because I felt it was time to further extend our reach to the community, so that others could benefit even more from the good that work we do. I hope that the many 2024 events we held and participated in met this goal.

In February, during Black History Month, we delved into the complexities of the 848 drug statute through a panel discussion and screening that we co-presented at Buffalo State University. In March, because continuing legal education is important to us, we held a presentation on practical attorney ethics and grievance committees at Hodgson Russ LLP and had outstanding positive feedback from attendees. In April, at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, we co-presented an event to help educate communities of color through cancer awareness. Local cancer experts discussed key medical subjects, and our members led discussions about health care proxies. 

In midsummer, with the collaborative partnership of many local organizations, we participated in the Juneteenth Festival of Buffalo, where our members volunteered and distributed helpful guidance materials and information about legal assistance. Later, as summer ended, we partnered with the Salvation Army on a school supply drive to attend to the educational and professional needs of kids in Western New York. Because of the donations and selfless contributions of all the local organizations, 400 backpacks — packed with school supplies — went out to local children. 

Then, in October, we co-sponsored the Western New York Legal Diversity Career Fair, a tradition that is dedicated to fostering a more diverse and inclusive legal workforce while expanding job opportunities for WNY community members, who — like so many members of the MBAWNY — are traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession. In late November, we co-presented a program with the Bar Association of Erie County to help attending attorneys get the information they need to qualify as a Guardian Ad Litem in Surrogate’s Court. And of course, with the aim of helping minority communities better understand how the legal system affects them, we issued two sets of ratings on the qualifications of judicial candidates running for elected office in Western New York.

Celebrating the MBAWNY and Our Members

I stated at the outset of my presidency in 2024 that it was important to focus on our representation in the community by celebrating ourselves so that Buffalo (and beyond) can understand the impact our members make. Therefore, the board and I emphasized monthly member spotlights on our social media platforms this year; we highlighted 11 members and their talents. Plus — among other major additions to our website, which we had overhauled in 2024 — we added an “In the News” area and a “Member Spotlight” area to celebrate our members and showcase instances where our members are lauded by the local and national news. 

Further, we celebrated members’ achievements in person throughout the year. We held our 2024 Annual Awards Dinner in May, and it was a privilege to honor nine extraordinary awardees — along with special guest honoree Shirley Troutman — at that event. In August, we had the pleasure of celebrating Hon. Craig Dexter Hannah’s elevation to the New York State Appellate Division Fourth Department as an associate judge! And in December we held a festive holiday gathering that enabled our members to meet and greet our new board members.

Thank You for Everything

It has been an engaging and extremely busy year, but I wouldn’t change a moment of it. It’s an honor to now transfer the presidency to my successor, James L. Harrington, for whom I have the utmost respect.

I’d like to express my heartfelt thanks to all MBAWNY members for your support of the association, for your faithfulness toward our mission, and for allowing me to serve you in the year 2024. I look forward to seeing what 2025 has in store for the association. Happy New Year to all and thank you.

Warmest regards,
Ifeoluwa Popoola
2024 MBAWNY President


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